Art Furniture
MAY 11TH - JUNE 8TH, 2018
Overstuffed reclining leather sectionals with chunky armrests that open up to reveal super-sized cupholders; factory distressed nightstands that replicate the illusion of age in retailers across the country; mass produced works on canvas that live lives of showroom luxury affirming “you too could have all this” crowd domestic spaces with false promises of improved personhood through cash and carry sameness.
Art Furniture, curated by Christopher Prinz, asks four artists to look at the objects we live with everyday in new ways. Rugs, furniture, lighting, wallpaper, and sound all serve as points of departure for proposing alternatives to readily available, commercially imposed “stuff.” Nick Holden, Holly Kranker, Derek Pressnall, and Christopher Prinz have each partnered with a local manufacturer to create unique works that signal a return to small batch production and individualized attention to fabrication. By mining Omaha’s rich manufacturing environment, these artists expand the parameters of interdisciplinary exchange between art and design while giving domestic objects, and the materials that make them, back their agency.
Installation Images